Being productive can be difficult. Especially when the comforts of life are so easily accessible these days. Spending evenings binging on your favorite shows, mornings scrolling through social media, and caring way too much about reaching the next level of your online game. We’ve all been there. These are just a few examples of things keeping us from having fulfilling and productive days.

Sometimes it’s a lack of motivation. Finding a reason to get out of bed can be tough for some of us, I know. And then there is that constant return of the feeling of being tired beyond belief. When you finally get a day off, all you really want to do is let loose. But how do we ever expect to get where we are trying to go if we let all these things slow us down?

Learning how to be productive on your days off can be challenging. However, when you finally achieve what you have been striving for, it makes it all worth your while. These are a few habits to start teaching yourself how to be productive when you start to feel a little stuck in your life.

Setting Goals (even small ones)

I know I can’t speak for everyone, but when I am feeling stuck I feel a lack of motivation and no sense of direction. Focusing your thoughts on one specific goal (or maybe a few foals) can help get you get going again. When you start thinking about a goal you have, naturally you begin to get excited thinking about what your life will be like once you accomplish your dreams. Furthermore, when you start repeatedly thinking about the same goal, you will start taking the steps that get you to where you want to be.

For me, creating a vision board has been incredibly helpful in forming this habit. It has helped me remember what my dreams are, and focus on them until they become my reality.

Practicing Self Discipline

This is a big one. When I was teaching myself how to be productive, I noticed my own self-discipline played a huge part in making things happen. The prospect of hanging out with friends is much more appealing than staying behind to do things that challenge yourself, almost always. Situations like this are where you must exercise your will to do what your soul needs, rather than what your mind and body want. Reading books about personal growth, and meditating are two things that helped me when I started practicing self-discipline.

Organizing and Decluttering Your Space

Cleaning your home, re-arranging a room, or even donating some old clothes may seem like everyday chores. However, when you are trying to get unstuck in life and learn how to be more productive, these tasks can work wonders. When you take charge and start dealing with things that you have put off for a while, you start oiling your gears for more things ahead.

Your physical reality (in this case your home) will always be a reflection of what is going on in your mind. Think about a friend or relatives’ house you have visited in the past. Next, think about the personality and mindset of that person. Your description of the two will likely be the same. This is true for you too. Decluttering and organizing your surroundings is a way of cleansing your immediate surroundings and unblocking your mind.

Nourishing Your Body

While more and more people are becoming increasingly aware of how good or how bad the substances are that go into our bodies, few people are aware of how the same things affect our mood, and mental clarity. More than half of all adults suffer from dehydration, and probably don’t even know it. If you have dehydrated your body even 2%, your ability to think and how well you can focus will be noticeably impaired. Dehydration also commonly makes one feel fatigued and less alert. Drinking enough water can play a huge part in helping you get unstuck, but so can eating the right foods.

About 90% of our serotonin receptors are located in our guts. Serotonin is a hormone that is responsible for so many things in our bodies, but just to name two it affects our emotions and our motor skills. What this means is if your gut bacteria is unbalanced due to unhealthy and processed foods, you are disrupting your body’s natural production of serotonin. An expanding waistline is not the only cause for concern here folks. Nourish your body well and it will work for, rather than against you.

Keeping Boundaries

Some days we wake up with every intention to have a productive day, and then life just gets in the way. A friend calls needing a favor. Or maybe someone stops you trying to pitch a sale to you. Maybe it’s your weekly phone call to your mom, which always lasts way longer than you planned.

Learning to say no to things is one way you can learn how to be productive. Saying no doesn’t always mean never, it could just mean not now. Start seeing yourself and your plans as a priority and let others take the back seat for a minute. While saying no may sound selfish at the moment, taking time to work on bettering yourself will ultimately benefit those around you as well.

How to be Productive

Creating a Planner

Keeping a planner is one thing that has really taught me how to be productive. It is especially helpful for those of us who may be forgetful at times. While it may take time itself, sitting down to plan out your day or your week will give you clarity, focus, and a vision.

Deciding what you want to do and when you want to do it helps you find your power to get things done. It also relieves some of the pressure of decision making, as you’ve already decided what you’re going to do, you simply then just have to show up and do it.

I tend to keep a calendar on my phone that alerts me to upcoming tasks, events, and appointments. This helps me stay on track with my day and reminds me of things I may have forgotten about.

Starting Your Morning’s on the Right Foot

How many times have you gotten out of bed peeved, anxious, or just disinterested in the day ahead? Probably one too many. Your mind plays the biggest part in your level of productivity throughout the day. If you start your day on the wrong foot, your whole day is likely to be out of step.

Start your day off right with positive affirmations and thinking about things your love. Try keeping a morning gratitude journal or simply doing something you love at the start of every day. Choosing happiness and practicing gratitude at the beginning of the day will set the tone for the rest of the day at large. You have the power to make it a good one.

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If you need extra help in starting your day on the right foot, join our free eCourse and start our 5 day Self Care Challenge below. We would be delighted to email you reminders to practice healthy and happy habits!

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How to be Productive

Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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