While we are all on our own paths, each as complex as the other, we are all going in the same direction. Your soul is always searching for a path forward. This post was written to help with just that, finding a way forward.

Sometimes, life is just hard. Many of us at one point in our lives, even during childhood, have likely felt invalidated, shamed, anxious, depressed, and confused about our existence. These feelings can become heavy, and unbearable if left to stew in the depths of our minds. I know this because I have been there myself.

These lessons below have taken me, I am sure, more than one lifetime to learn. Your soul can overcome life’s greatest hardships by building upon these life lessons.

9. Your worth doesn’t depend on others’ view of you

How many times have you done something just to gain some approval? A social media post here and there. A project at work, perhaps. A dare at school maybe. Dressing a certain way even.

And then there is that sinking feeling in your gut when you realize it was all for nothing. This doesn’t have to be you. Learn to accept and love yourself for who you really are, and stop waiting for the approval of others.

8. Your power comes from within, not from with out

If we float through life with an idle mind, our subconscious will more often than not focus our attention on the past or the future. Both of which only ever exist in our minds, and are out of our control. Instead, focus your attention on the present moment and realize that this is where your power lies.

You can control what you think, say, and do right now. Choose to do things that encourage peace and positivity in your soul and in others.

7. There is nothing wrong with you

Some of us may identify with one disability, disease, diagnosis, or another, but that’s where the definition stops. These things may explain something we deal with, but they do not define the essence of who you really are.

Your soul is the essence of who you really are. It cannot be created nor destroyed. You are an energy field and a life force who will live beyond all the troubles of today. Your soul is everlasting.

6. Failure is never permanent nor absolute

The definition of the word failure is an act or instance of nonperformance of something required, due, or expected. To fail is to stop trying to succeed, after one attempt at reaching your goal. Yes, there may be times when things don’t go according to plan. While we may learn one way not to do something, there will always be a chance to try again (even if it’s in another lifetime).

Never stop trying to reach your goals. Instead of adjusting your goals when things don’t work out, change the actions and the steps and try again. You are bound to succeed if you are determined and have the will to keep on keeping on.

5. You are exactly where you are meant to be

When I was only thirteen, my mother passed away. At the time, I was incredibly lost confused, and grief-stricken. It led me through some tough teenage years and forced me to grow up faster than others. A few years later, I met the love of my life, and everything just made sense. While I still recognized sadness for my mother passing away, I realized if things didn’t happen exactly the way they did, I wouldn’t have been at the right place and time to have met certain people in my life.

Everything in life happens for a reason. All the good times, and the so-called bad times. It is hard to be thankful for those painful times in life, but they are there to teach us a lesson and help the development of our souls. Sometimes we can’t see the lesson when we are shrouded by a cloud of sadness, grief, anger, and confusion. Nevertheless, the sun will rise again.

4. How you speak about yourself matters

“I am” are two of the most powerful words in existence. The reason being that whatever you put after them is what you become. All too often do we confirm negative feelings about ourselves saying things like, I can’t do that, I am tired, or I don’t feel well.

Instead of letting the subconscious mind drive our dominating thoughts, make an intention to say and think good things about yourself. Here is a list of 15 positive self-affirmations to help you find the power that lies deep within your soul.

3. You are not responsible for the way others react

Once something has been said out loud, there is no taking it back, as many of us have learned the hard way. Many of us have felt guilt, shame, and even embarrassment for the way people have reacted to something we have done. This, however, is out of your control.

The way people react to things in the world is a reflection of their character, not yours. People do not seem to realize that their everyday behavior reveals their morals and values more than anything else. You can only control what you think, say, and do. Remember to always be kind, even to those who are not kind to you, as everyone is always trying to overcome their own hardships.

2. It is never too late to choose happiness

Is there anything you do in life that isn’t done for the sole purpose of making you or others happy? We go to school to get a job to pay our bills live in a house and raise a family to make ourselves happy. So many people who have not discovered their inner selves are on a never-ending search for happiness. They believe things like if I just had a new car, then I would be happy. If I just find the love of my life, then I will be happy. If I can just do this one thing in my career, then I will be happy. And so on, and so on.

How often do you put off your happiness for the promise of a better tomorrow? Tomorrow will only ever exist in your mind because all we ever have is right now. If you haven’t heard already, there is no path to happiness. Happiness cannot be traveled to, earned, worn, or consumed. As Eckhart Tolle said “Happiness is not a reaction or a result. It is a choice.” (Power of now) Choose happiness today.

Your Soul

1. Your life is a reflection of yourself

Take a good look around you. Do you like what you see? Your answer will likely be the same as the way you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror.

Your life is a reflection of your soul. If you don’t like aspects of your life, instead of trying to change the outer situations in life, work on the issues you have within yourself. When you learn to be at peace with your soul, all of the outer circumstances in your life will be much easier to change, accept, or let go of.

If you want to start being the best version of yourself, join our free 5 day Course below. Our self care challenge is meant to help you start living your best life, today.

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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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