Every now and then, we all end up somewhere in life that we didn’t quite intend to be. Ending a relationship, leaving a place of work, or even not finishing school are not usually things people hope to do when they begin on those individual journeys. Yet, we’ve all been there, or at least in a relatable situation. It’s when you are feeling constantly stressed, burnt out, frustrated, depressed, or just utterly defeated that it’s time to reset your life.

When you’ve reached your breaking point, it can be difficult to pick yourself back up again. However, when you’re at your lowest it is more critical than ever to reset your life. For me, it’s generally when I’m sick, as that tends to happen after very trying, stressful, and overwhelming periods of my life.

I don’t know about you, but I have gone through enough rough patches in my life to know that I don’t want to experience another. One way I’ve learned to avoid this is by practicing self care and taking time to hit the reset button.

Here are a few ways to give yourself a fresh start, no matter where you’ve ended up in life.

Reset Your Life

Adjusting your surroundings is an easy place to start when trying to reset your life. These are a few things you should focus on when you are confronting your personal or professional spaces.

3. Reset Your Space


  • Minimizing your belongings. Look at things individually and consider if they are still of use to you and if they still bring you joy. It’s okay to let things go after they’ve served their purpose in your life. Donate and recycle what you can, and only keep things that you use and enjoy. If you haven’t touched an item in over a year, it’s probably time to let it go. Get inspired by the Marie Kondo Method of tidying your space.
  • Organizing your space. For those things that you do decide to keep, organize them in a way that is functional and beautiful. Store things so that they are easy to find and use when they are needed. Using clear storage containers, or even drawer organizers is a great way to help you declutter your space. Check out The Home Edit for inspiration on how to organize your space.
  • Sprucing up your space. Sometimes our spaces can feel bogged down, boring, and just plain old dirty. Take some time to deep clean your space, and freshen it up. Using essential oils and incense are two things I use to help my space feel clean and uplifting. My absolute favorite way to spruce up my space is using house plants, as they bring life and good energy to any environment.
Reset Your Life

2. Reset Your Body

When trying to reset your life, giving your body a reset is probably one of the harder tasks to complete. However, taking the time to confront bad habits can be one of the most rewarding things you do. These are  3 things you should focus on when trying to give your body a fresh start.

  •  Detoxing your body. Say no to fast food, and yes to home-cooked meals. Try changing up your diet to include more leafy greens and nutritious whole foods. Try being dairy-free for one week, vegetarian for the next, and maybe gluten-free the week after that. The more whole and plant-based foods you eat, the better you will feel.
  • Hydrating yourself. It is estimated over half of all adults are dehydrated. Make it a point throughout your day to get in your full recommended day’s worth of water. Try to stay away from sugary juices, teas, and sodas.
  • Exercising when you can. When you exercise you are allowing your body to release stress and toxins. On top of this, exercising can help you breathe more deeply, ease anxiety, and increase energy levels.
Reset Your Life

1. Reset Your Mind

If you are truly looking to reset your life, you must be ready and willing to face your ego. Personal growth is often overlooked and underrated, yet it can allow us to achieve our grandest dreams. These are 3 things you should consider when you are trying to change the way your mind sees the world.

Where to Start

  •  Seek Wisdom and make time to unplug. Instead of grabbing your phone at the end of the day to scroll into the oblivion that is social media, pick up an inspirational book or turn on a thought-provoking podcast. Open your mind to things that inspire self- awareness, creativity, and mental fortitude. Put an end to toxic cycles by learning to be present in the moment.
  • Set Your Intentions. Consider what your life goals are and ask yourself if what you are doing is aligned with where you want to be. Make your goals a priority, and manage your expectations. Push yourself to do more of what you love, and only take steps that are in the direction you want to be going. If you take ten steps in the opposite direction of where you want to be, don’t shake your fist with anger when it takes you longer to reach your desired destination. Learn from your mistakes, and dare to take the road less traveled.
  • Practice Self Care all the livelong day. Giving yourself time to destress and relax will give you more mental clarity and strength to continue on this journey that is life. Meditating a few minutes out of the day is one way to practice self-care and personal growth. For more self-care activities and inspiration, sign up for our free eCourse below, and join us in our 5 days of self-care challenge.

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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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