Living busy and high-stress lives is something many of us are all too familiar with. There comes a time in everyone’s life when you’re just ready to unwind, and let go of all of life’s troubles. For me, that’s when I am at home. For the Danes of Denmark, however, living a calm, content, and peaceful life is something they strive for in all aspects of their life, not just at home. This is why the danish culture is known for the Hygge life.

Pronounced more so hue-guh than hoo-gah or hi-gee, Hygge describes a way of living and a state of mind. A Hygge life is a life lived in contentment, happiness, and peace. Those living a characteristically defined Hygge life are often focused on achieving a constant sense of coziness,  simpleness, security, and familiarity. There is much charm in living a Hygge life, so much so that the people of Denmark are statistically among the happiest people in the world.

By paring simple rituals and mindful living, nearly anyone can adopt a Hygge life. It is as simple as being grateful for the little things in life and using nature and good company to break up the mundanities of everyday life. Here are 7 easy ways to embrace a Hygge life in your home.


7. Incorporate Soft and Plush Textiles

A big part of a Hygge life is creating feelings of coziness and security. One way the people of Northern Europe have achieved this is by constantly using soft materials and textiles in their homes. Draping a blanket over the back end of your sofa, or even putting on some fuzzy socks or a thick sweater would do the job just fine.

Thick blankets and heavy coverings in particular are known to induce feelings of stability and safety. This, alongside the fact that Northern European countries are frequently chilly, further supports the use of soft, plushy, and fuzzy elements in your home.

6. Unplug

Another priority of a Hygge lifestyle is setting the intention to be present at the moment. A lot of the time we are so distracted by social media, news, shows, videos, and games on our devices. Often, these things distract us from what is right in front of us.

Set aside time in your routine to unplug, and indulge in technology fast. Learn to be present where you are and appreciate all the life and beauty that is around you.

5. Use Natural Elements

For the Danes, adding natural elements to their living, work, and leisure spaces is ever so important. Being so close to the North Pole, the weather in Nordic countries can be grim and dreary for weeks on end. House plants are an easy way to enhance the natural feel in any space.

Here are 7 Low Light House Plants that can survive even the darkest corner of your home.

4. Focus on Natural Tones

Natural tones are to Hygge like bread is to jam. This aesthetic is intentional so as to foster a cozy, calm, and comfortable atmosphere. Generally speaking, bright colors are often bold, and exciting, and can even get the blood rushing. Instead of going for colors like scarlet, fuschia, or lime green, try colors like navy, forest green, or ivory. Colors that are less saturated tend to have more calming and relaxing effects on one’s mood.

3. Make Warming Foods

Enjoying good food with good company is another value of those who live a Hygge life. Making a delicious meal to be enjoyed by a small group of friends is an easy way to embrace a Hygge lifestyle. Indulge in warming foods like hot cocoa, coffee, or freshly baked bread or cookies!

Eating home-cooked meals tends to make one more appreciative of the small things in life, as one can realize just how much work goes into making something so wonderful. Furthermore, the scents from making a home-cooked meal often heighten the cozy and comfortable feel of one’s environment.

2. Use Ambient Lighting

When trying to create a Hygee aesthetic in your home, stay away from bright overhead lighting. Make an effort to light your home with subtle and ambient lighting. Lighting candles, using Edison bulbs or salt lamps, or even dimmer switches are all great ways to create soft lighting.

1. Make Time to do Nothing

One of the core concepts of Hygge is contentment. Making time to do nothing, is a way of practicing mindfulness living. Instead of continuing forward with your normal busy day-to-day routine, stop and enjoy where you are. For most of our lives, we are doing things hoping that whatever we are doing will bring us peace and happiness. The trouble is, we often get distracted by the next thing on our to-do list and we forget to take pleasure in what we’ve already accomplished.

As the Buddha said, ” There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path.” Learn to be content right where you are. Stopping to be present allows us to appreciate all the wonderful things in our lives.

If you are ready to get started living a life full of health and happiness, but aren’t sure where to begin, join us with our 5 Days of Self Care Challenge. For seven days, we will send helpful tips on living in harmony with your mind, body, soul, and home in a Free eCourse delivered right to your inbox. Get started by signing up below!

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Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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