When you come home after a long day of work, the first thing you probably do is take a deep breath followed by a long sigh of relief. Letting go (or at least trying to let go) of all the troubles of your life outside of your home. For many of us, our homes are our safe place. A place where we feel comfortable just letting loose. A place where all the worries of the world can’t reach us. 

What most people are unaware of is the air in their homes may be doing them more harm than good. According to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside the average home is up to five times more polluted than the air outside. The air in our homes is often filled with pollutants built up from cleaning solutions, building materials, furnishings, carpets, and electronics. This is why it is essential that we freshen the air in our homes, from time to time. Having some air purifying plants is one of the easiest and inexpensive ways to keep your home’s air clean.

Your Home’s Air

When the air in your home isn’t freshened or purified, it can become filled with tons of positive ions. While this may sound like a good thing, positive ions are actually harmful to your health. Positive ions are especially prevalent in office buildings, cities, and industrial areas. Our bodies are constantly absorbing ions. When we absorb too many positive ions we can experience things such as mood swings, fatigue, allergies, stress, and trouble concentrating.

How Plants Purify The Air

Plants are one of nature’s many producers of negative ions. This is why we feel refreshed after having spent some time outside in nature, and especially at the beach. Naturally, it makes sense to bring a little bit of nature indoors. Studies by NASA have proven that houseplants are not only capable of producing clean air, but also simultaneously remove toxins from the air. NASA suggests we should have two or three indoor plants for every 100 square feet in our homes.

 Think about that for a minute. One of the most prestigious research institutions in the world is suggesting we keep indoor plants, for our health. If you are skeptical about taking advice from your typical Virgo plant lover, look into the research yourself.

Air purifying plants are an incredibly beneficial and beautiful addition to the home. They can help reduce stress and depression, fatigue, allergies, as well as boosting your mood. Plants also help in reducing noise levels and are therapeutic to care for. Some plants can be a little tricky to care for, but most plants require far less attention than your average pet.

Choosing Your Plants

One of my personal favorite indoor air purifying plants is the Snake Plant, also known sometimes as Mother-In-Law’s Tounge. This plant comes in several different variations, but all are easy to care for. They require little light, and not too much water as they prefer dry soil. You could place this in a dark corner and forget about it for a few weeks, and it would thrive. 

Another indoor plant I find that is great for indoor air purifying is the Pothos, also known as the Money Plant. This plant has a bit more foliage than the Snake Plant, but it is incredibly easy to care for. It doesn’t require much water, and it prefers low light. As with any plant, you must be sure not to overwater the pothos. Otherwise, you could cause root rot, or worse invite fungus flies into the soil. The pothos comes in several different varieties as well, but it should not be confused with the philodendron (which is also a good indoor house plant).

Another one of my favorites is the Dracaena (aka Dragon Tree).  These plants are easy to care for and great air purifiers. They require indirect light and don’t need too much water. The great thing about plants is you can pick them based on your needs, style, and preference, sort of like a pet. They are a living creature and do need your attention, but if you don’t have much to give you may go with one that doesn’t need daily attention.

Other plants that are great for air purifying are Peace Lillies, Ferns, Palms. These plants require a bit more attention than the others we have discussed this far. They require more frequent watering and need specific lighting in order for them to flourish. My advice is, do your homework and pick the plant that is right for you not just the one that you think is the best looking. For more information on choosing which house plant is best for you, check out my article on 10 Best House Plants for Clean Air!

Other Alternatives

The indoor plants we have discussed above are common household plants that can be found in almost any garden center or plant nursery. If you don’t have access to a garden center or plant nursery nearby, house plants can also be purchased online. Times are wild folks. When I found out you could purchase plants online, it was a game-changer… I have purchased a few plants online and have not had any issues thus far. I purchase from amazon from JM Bamboo, and I have not been disappointed yet.

Of course, if plants are not your thing, then you might look into these natural air freshen alternatives. As I briefly mentioned earlier, being at the beach can help you feel refreshed. This is because running water releases tons of negative ions. This is why fountains are often included in Zen spaces. If you decide a plant is not right for you, then I may suggest investing in a small indoor fountain to help purify your air. Comment down below with your favorite indoor plants, or what your solutions are for purifying the air in your home!

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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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