Well, you likely ended up here because you fall into one of two categories. You’re either new to smudging or you are not. If you are new, you are wondering how to get started and if you’re not new perhaps you are just looking for some new tips. When you are new to the practice, I’m sure it’s on the back of the mind “does this stuff actually work…?” I am here to tell it does. Those familiar with the practice of smudging are no strangers to the benefits gained through the practice.


To cut to the chase, smudging provides health benefits to the mind, body, and home. The vibrational frequency associated with the smoke generated through the practice is what clears your home of negative energy. Anything and everything physical and nonphysical has a vibrational frequency. 

When you are in the presence of energy with a vibrational frequency higher than your own, your own vibrations can be heightened. This is why when you smudge you are literally spreading positive vibes throughout your home and around your aura. These healing frequencies in smudging are energizing for the soul, refreshing for the mind and healthy for the body.

How It Works

As you burn certain herbs, negative ions are released into the air. This is similar to how running water and Air Purifying Plants release negative ions. When you open the windows allowing new air in and old air out you are letting all of the negative vibes go.

Be careful though, you’re neighbors might think you do weed… Especially if you are burning sage when you smudge the smell is very similar. But, I mean, if you are reading this you probably don’t care too much what people think about you, as you very well shouldn’t. You do what’s best for you! You can also smudge through burning Incense if you are looking for a more pleasant smell.

The Legend

Smudging has been around for centuries and practiced though out tons of different cultures and continued in these same cultures even today. From the ancient east to the ancient west, many cultures are aware of the healing benefits of the smoke created through smudging.

Smudging is one of those legendary healing practiced which can be backed by science if you look hard enough. Of course, modern-day doctors aren’t going to get on the smudging bandwagon. However, the releasing of negative ions is well, science! And it is known how naturally produced negative ions are beneficial in self-healing. 

So to answer your question, yes smudging works, but you have to be patient and consistently practice. And no, smudging is not just for the superstitious, but rather for those who are spiritually inclined or would like to be. I hope these tips help clear your home of negative energies and allow for thoughts of abundance and prosperity to come flowing through!

Getting Started

To get started with smudging,  you first need to begin with an open mind and an open heart. If you have already decided in your mind that smudging doesn’t work or it is just blowing smoke, then, of course, it is not going to work for you. Whether or not something has a positive outcome is always decided by the thoughts of our minds.

You will need to obtain a smudge stick or smudging kit. There are many different smudging sticks out there. My advice is to go with a trusted brand and a well-recommended brand. You don’t want your home to smell too funky, now. Most smudging kits will include some sort of shell to catch the ashes of your smudge stick. While shells are natural and effective at catching ashes, you really could use any sort of nonflammable receptacle to catch the ashes.

I have listed several recommended smudging tools below. Most smudging involves sage, but you can also smudge using incense, many other herbs, and even dried wood like palo santo. If you prefer to go the more natural route and make your own smudge stick, read my article on DIY Smudge Stick.


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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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