Many if not all of us strive for success in our lives in one form or fashion or another. At times it can seem nearly impossible for us to have the level of success we hope to attain in our lives. Especially when we have the world at our fingertips and successful people to compare ourselves to.

You know that heavy feeling when you see successful people who have almost everything that you want but that you don’t have yet. That feeling can become quite burdensome at times. Sometimes constantly it can even lead to depression.

Having great success in your life does not have to be difficult. Sometimes the simplest way to achieve success is to change your mindset. One of the biggest differences between people who are successful and people who are not is that those who believed they could so they did. Once you realize this, success will come to you with great ease.

Below are some daily habits practiced by successful people.

Waking Up Early

Waking up early can be tough. But people with great success are often found to get an early start to their day. People like Jack Dorsey (Founder of Twitter), Torey Burch (Designer & Philanthropist), Howard Schultz (Starbucks CEO), and countless others, wake up almost always before 6:00 AM.


Daily exercise is important, obviously. However, this is something that is practiced by numerous successful individuals, and often they do it first thing in the morning. Exercising helps you release toxins from deep breathing and destress the body.

Successful people like Former President Barrack Obama, Jennifer Anniston, and Bill Gates, have all admitted to doing exercise every morning.

Getting Enough Sleep

Even though successful people wake up early, they certainly aren’t giving up any sleep for it. Allowing the body to rest helps successful people rejuvenate and prepare themselves to conquer their day ahead. While they may be busy, people like Ellen Degeneres, Matthew McConaughey, and the Dalai Lama prioritize a full night’s sleep.

If you are someone who struggles to get enough sleep, here are 6 Things to Help You Sleep Better.


Ah yes, the blessing and the curse of the age of technology. Our advancements in technology have undoubtedly helped us accomplish amazing things in the world. With the world literally at our fingertips, however, it has become increasingly difficult for us to stop ourselves from over-consuming all of the information available to us.

Spending 2+ hours binging on Netflix, Youtube, Pinterest, Facebook, Hulu, Instagram, and so forth isn’t uncommon for many of us. For successful people, they realize that spending time disconnected from technology really helps bring them back down to earth.

Filmmaker Steven Spielberg says that disconnecting from technology helps us rekindle our creativity. Musician Ed Sheeran thinks disconnecting from technology is important because too often we see the world through our screens, than through our own eyes. Even Kendall Jenner of the Kardashian Klan realizes technology can sometimes be our own downfall and that taking time to unplug is a necessity.

Always Learning

People who are successful are known to never stop learning. They are always looking for new information to better and expand their understanding of the world around them. People who are successful rarely become stuck in their ways as they realize change is necessary for their own growth and development.

Reading books and staying up to date with the latest data trends are two ways billionaires Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates keep themselves in the know.

Practicing Self Love

Taking care of themselves is a priority for successful people. If you aren’t in so to say good shape, how can you expect to help anyone else? Or as Ru Paul says ” If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?”

In all reality, we are made up of stardust. We are all the same on our deepest levels. We must care for ourselves as we would for others because we are them and they are us.

Doing things for ourselves does not automatically make us selfish. Often, it makes us more capable of doing right by others. Steve Jobs was known to ask himself every day ” If today was the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” He said if his answer was no more often than it was yes, then he would know it was time to make a change.

Having a Vision Board

Making a vision board helps solidify your goals into reality. When you create a vision board you are actively deciding and focusing on what you want to occur in your life. You are then reminded of your goals each and every time you look at your board.

Keeping our goals in mind each and every day with the help of a vision board is something that numerous people swear by. I myself have seen amazing results using a vision board. Individuals like Jim Carey, Beyoncé, and Oprah all use vision boards to help set their intentions.

If you want to get started on your own vision board, check out this article on How to Create a Vision Board That Actually Works.

Practicing Meditation

Mediation is ever so important for inner reflection and general well-being. It helps you connect back to yourself and let go of all of the troubles of the world. To meditate is to be. It is existing right where you are and being at peace with your mind. For many people meditation gives them the strength to go about their day knowing that they are in control over their own lives and no one else. Meditation also helps people find peace in what may sometimes be a hectic world.

Well-known people who meditate daily are Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Anniston, and Anna Huffington (Huffington Post). These individuals have a deep appreciation for meditation and the benefits it provides them with.

If you have never meditated before it can seem a little overwhelming. To get started today, learn more about how to meditate for beginners here.

Practicing Gratitude

This is among the easiest things that successful people practice. Practicing gratitude is acknowledging and showing thanks for those good things that you already have in your life. It is focusing on what you have, not on what you don’t have. When you go about life being happy for what you already have you will find yourself surrounded by more and more things that make you happy. You will draw those things into your life from the energy you have put out into the world.

Oprah is one successful person who has said they keep a gratitude journal by her bed, so she can remember to write down 5 things every day that she is thankful for. This practice is something that empowers you to love your life and find peace existing where you are. It has helped me personally in my own development to sit down and always remember to find those good things in my life.

Being thankful has helped me start living a life I love, one that I would even call my dream life. You don’t have to wait for everything in your life to be perfect to have a life you love living. Enroll in our free ecourse below for help forming habits for a healthy and happy life! Join us in our 5 Day Self Care Challenge!

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Successful People

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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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