Trying to find the right crystal to fit your needs? This can be quite a daunting task with so many varieties of crystals out there. The best way to pick a crystal is to go with the first crystal you find yourself drawn to. This will usually be the crystal that immediately catches your attention.  If you are someone who prefers to research an item before you make a purchase (like myself), then this article is not a bad place to start. Amethyst is an all-around good crystal to have, no matter what ailment or mood you are facing.

The Legend

This crystal is known for its calming and balancing qualities. According to Greek legend, Amethyste was a woman with who the Greek god of wine Bacchus was infatuated within a particular moment. Amethyste, according to the lore, was a virgin and cried out to the goddess Diana for help. Diana quickly turned Amethyste into a clear stone. Supposedly, Bacchus then felt remorse for his actions and offered Amthyste a libation to atone, and this is how the stone became a deep rich violet color. 

According to science, the violet color of Amethyst is due to the presence of Iron and the level of heat applied during the formation of the crystal. Knowing the Greek mythology behind the crystal, it makes sense why this stone is known to guard against intoxication. This guard against intoxication helps with the healing of many different things.

My Experience

I find this stone particularly helpful when dealing with depression and stressful times. This crystal’s abilities in clearing negative energy have helped me tremendously. The clairvoyance in this rock is no joke. I carried around a rough amethyst crystal at a very low point in my life. 

Before I had one of these crystals in my possession, I suffered along for about 8 months, crying nearly every day. It was a bad time, to say the least. After obtaining one of these crystals and keeping it close by my side, often in my pocket, my attitude had changed drastically over the next month. This stone helped flip me right side up. I was able to see things clearly again and overall bring my mindset back to a healthy place.


Whether coming out of depression had anything to do with the presence of this crystal is for sure or not, I do not know. But, I do know personally the feeling of the energy of my amethyst crystal, and I would definitely rather have it around than not. It is my favorite and strongest crystal I own. For these reasons I now have several larger and smaller amethyst crystals throughout my home, and especially by my bed. I would absolutely recommend obtaining this crystal here if you are a beginner to crystal healing or if you do not currently own one. 


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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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