When certain remedies are passed down through the centuries, their cures are hard to deny. Call it witchy if you want, but really its just science. Healing crystals have a vibrational frequency that is high enough so that their energy can be passed to those in need of some positive vibes.

Just like being around happy people, the positive energy of crystals is contagious. Crystals help heal you by raising your vibrations, which consequently helps you with numerous other matters in your mind, body, and home.

Choosing Your Crystal

Not only does the beauty of crystals draw us in but also the mystical energy surrounding them. When you see a crystal your first instinct is usually “I want to touch it.” What is more interesting is when there are numerous crystals to choose from the one you are drawn to the most is the one with the healing benefits you need the most.

Different crystals are helpful for different moods and ailments, of course. Trust your feelings before your thoughts when choosing a crystal for yourself. Pick up a crystal and see how it makes you feel. Some people like myself feel a tingling sensation run up their arm when holding certain crystals. Now, some crystals are stronger than others, depending on their connection to you and their cleanliness.

When picking out a crystal, try holding it in your non-dominate hand for the strongest effects. Your non-dominate hand is supposedly for receiving more than sending, which I personally find to be very true. You write and send with your dominant hand so your non-dominant hand is just the opposite. I feel the energy of crystals more when I hold them with my left hand. Sometimes there can be an achy or even burning sensation when holding crystals, all of which is normal.

Do Crystals Actually Heal

Now the question is do crystals actually work in healing. For this I would say if you are attuned to the power of crystals, meaning your acceptance of them I would say yes. If you are someone who denies their energy or healing properties, then naturally your mind has already decided they won’t work for you. My suggestion is to go into it with an open mind, as your mind is your most powerful tool. If your mind decides one way or the other then that is just it, plain and simple.

How I Started

From my personal experience, I have found crystals to be quite beneficial for my health, and I too was once a skeptic of their healing power. My eldest sister became involved in crystals and meditation long before I did. At the time it all just seemed like witchcraft to me. It wasn’t until I was continuously becoming ill and in a state of constant depression that I decided to try to look into alternative healing methods.

I reached out to my sister who sent me home with a handful of crystals, (specifically amethyst, rose quartz, clear quartz, and obsidian) herbs, and supplements. At this time, I began to carry around these crystals with me everywhere I went in my pockets. Additionally, I began practicing mindful meditation practices and spending more time outdoors.

Slowly I began to see my attitude improve first and my health followed shortly after. I was no longer sick or depressed after about a month of practicing self-healing with crystals, herbs, and mediation. My life has been on a positive incline since then.

I believe negative energy only draws more negative energy to itself and vice versa. When you put out positive energy in the world then naturally you bring it right back to you. Crystals are there to lend a helping hand and to lift you up when you are down. And even if you deny their healing benefits, there isn’t any harm in having one ( or 30..) around as their beauty is indisputable.

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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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