The older I get, the more I find lavender essence scattered throughout my home. As someone who knows the pains of laying awake all night with depression and anxiety, lavender and lavender aromatherapy has become something I find great value in.

Lavender is a plant that has been used for its healing properties as far back as ancient Egypt. Today, we often use lavender aromatherapy to help us relax, go to sleep, and reduce anxiety. If used topically, it can even be used to treat skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Below are some products I believe may help you just as they have helped me. You may find these products especially helpful if you have anxious tendencies, or just want to create a relaxing atmosphere in your home.

12. Lavender Incense

This is something I use pretty much every day, alternating between different incense scents. Lavender Incense Sticks I use more than others though to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere in my home. I use lavender incense sticks similar to the way I use lavender in my essential oil diffuser. The lavender aromatherapy paired with the production of negative ions helps clear residual negative energy in my home. Often I will open a window, to help freshen the air in my home while burning incense for the best effects.

Burning incense is a way of smudging to clear negative energy in your home. It is a simple practice that I find effective in creating a desirable space to just kick back and relax. I have found that an Incense Burner Holder like this one is great for catching the ashes that fall from incense sticks.

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11. Lavender Lotion

Ah yes, lavender lotion. This is probably the most basic and easy-to-use lavender aromatherapy product you can own. I recommend this Everyone Lavender & Aloe Body Lotion because it is a brand that I can stand behind and that I use in my own home. The Everyone For Everybody brand is a brand that prides itself on natural ingredients and plant extractions.

This particular lavender lotion is infused not only with aloe vera but chamomile extracts as well. The lotion blend has a pleasing and relaxing scent that is great to use after a shower, or during a long winter to keep your body healthy and happy.

10. Lavender Body Scrub

Lavender salt scrubs are a great way to keep the skin refreshed and healthy. It is important to exfoliate your skin regularly as you age to prevent unnecessary dead skin from building up. If you don’t exfoliate, your pores may become clogged which can cause oily skin and unwanted blemishes.

That is why I recommend this Dead Sea Salt Body Scrub with Lavender. Not only do you get the benefits of exfoliation, but also the perks of adding lavender to your beauty regime. Lavender can help cut down on any unfriendly bacteria on your skin. Lavender also may help reduce unwanted redness with its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

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9. Lavender Bath Salt

Lavender bath products like this Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Lavender are a two-in-one deal. When you bathe with lavender-scented products the heat of the water helps release and intensify the lavender scent. Then you get the direct benefits of allowing lavender Epsom salt to come in contact with your skin, helping you relax and detoxify. Aromatherapy and physical therapy. How bad could that be?

Epsom salt baths are intended to help relieve aches and pains and reduce stress. This particular solution contains magnesium, which may boost melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps us relax and sleep. Those who would significantly benefit from a lavender epsom salt bath are anyone who needs to wind down after a stressful day, and those seeking pain relief.

8. Lavender Mud Mask

Mud masks, especially those infused with lavender are a great way to relax and have a moment of luxury in your own home. The Dead Sea Mud Musk Infused with Lavender Oil is beneficial for several different reasons.

For one, it helps detox your skin as it sucks up any impurities and unnecessary build-up in your pores as it dries on your face. Secondly, it helps nourish and detoxify the skin (which is our biggest organ, by the way). Lastly, the lavender in the mask helps revitalize the skin, leaving it tight and glowing. Not to mention, the added experience of the lavender aromatherapy while you are waiting for the mud mask to do its thing.

7. Lavender Massage Oil

This product can be used for multiple things. For me, the primary use of Massage Oil Infused with Lavender is bedtime rituals. Rubbing a little on the temples of my head and my wrists so I can have a stronger lavender aromatherapy effect when I am going to sleep. It can be easier at times to have a lavender-infused oil, rather than mixing your own essential oil into a carrier oil. I find oils like this tend to be stronger than that later option.

Of course, you could use this oil for sexy-time with a romantic partner…Which is more of what the product is intended for I’m sure.

6. Lavender Mist

This Lavender Linen Spray is one that I quite thoroughly enjoy. My sisters also enjoy this product, just based on how easy it is to use and how much you gain from using it. Fast and easy (okay, done with the sex jokes, I swear).  I like to spray this on my pillow before bed or on my freshly washed, dried, and warm bed sheets. Ugh, just thinking about it makes me want to cozy up in some nice thick socks and just have a movie day.

Using lavender at bedtime is something I do to help reduce anxiety and calm the mind. Lavender is known to interact with our brains in such a way that calms our nervous system and quiets the mind. Lavender is a natural and mild sedative and it smells wonderful. Melatonin just gives it that extra relaxing kick.

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5. Lavender Roll On

For those of you who need a little lavender on the go, this product is perfect for you. The Lavender Oil Roll On is something you can easily keep in your purse or makeup bag to use throughout the day. I am not a purse girl, so I keep mine in my backpack or even my pocket to roll on while I’m out and about.

The lavender roll-on is great for aromatherapy anywhere you need it. If you feel like you just want to freshen up you could roll some on your wrists and your neck for a fresh scent. Or, if you are feeling more anxious than usual just roll a little bit behind your ear to help give you a calming effect.

4. Lavender Sachets

 This is one of my absolute favorite ways to use lavender aromatherapy. Lavender Sachets use lavender in its purest form without any kind of processing, besides natural drying. You could throw some in the cup ho p holder in your car, in your bag lder in your car, in your bag, in your pillowcase, in your winter coat pockets, between the cushions of your couch, or my favorite in your dresser drawers. OKAY, so maybe I am a little overboard here.

But the point is you could literally put these little babies anywhere that your heart desires. For me, I find it helpful to keep these sachets in areas that I return to frequently. It helps keep me calm and balanced throughout the day.

3. Lavender Candle

I am a candle lover through and through. That is why it is essential for me to find ways to repurpose candle jars after the candle has been burned to its end. Lavender candles like this Serenity + Calm Lavender Candle create a relaxing mood through the lavender aromatherapy and dim lighting. I have noticed when I pair a lavender candle together with chamomile lavender tea, I get some of the most restful and peaceful sleep.

2. Lavender Tea

Tea is something I have grown to love more and more over the years. There is just something so soothing about a cup of tea before bed. When I am feeling particularly stressed or overwhelmed I always reach for my cupboard to pull out my chamomile and loose-leaf lavender. If you have never had chamomile before it is a subtle sweet flowery taste, and it is used to help relax and calm the user before bed. When it is paired with lavender, the effects are only amplified as both plants are used to help induce a calm mood and help you sleep.

Personally, I like to make my own tea in a french press versus using tea bags. The medicinal effects of doing it this way are always higher. I just do about 1 teaspoon of chamomile to about 2 teaspoons of lavender, per every 1 cup of water. Let it steep for about 6 minutes, mix it with honey, and you’re golden.


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1. Lavender Essential Oil

I have saved the best for last. Majestic Pure Lavender Essential Oil or just lavender essential oil, in general, is the most versatile lavender product you can own. You can use it to make a wide array of other lavender products such as bath bombs, insect repellent, lavender spray, and the list goes on.

I keep lavender essential oil on hand primarily for use in my essential oil diffuser. My diffuser spreads negative ions throughout my home, as well as the benefits of lavender aromatherapy. I do this to rid my home of any built-up negative energies and to create a peaceful and serene environment.

In previous years, I used to be plagued by my own anxious tendencies and habits. That is until I started incorporating small wellness routines into my daily life. Join us on a journey of self-love by enrolling in our free Ecourse 5 days of Self Care Challenge.

Affiliate Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that earn me a small commission, at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I personally use and trust, or think my readers will find useful. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Lavender Aromatherapy

Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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