Let’s start off with a question. What do you wish to change about your life? Some of us have one main thing we wish to change in our lives. The majority of us have many things we would change in our lives.

Common desires are things like having more money, a partner to share your life with, a nice place to live, being able to travel the world, and working your dream job. Many of us are dependent on these things to provide us with the happiness we believe they will bring us. We are all on this never-ending search for happiness. That is until your mind decides otherwise.

What if I told you, the secret to having everything you ever dreamed of was right behind door number 1? You would open the door, would you not? Of course, you would. In this metaphor, the door is symbolic of your mind. The only thing holding you back from achieving the success, happiness, wealth, and abundance you desire in your life is your mind.

You and Your Thoughts

The mind is a mysterious thing. Consider it as a telephone, and your thoughts are the messages that are being sent out into the universe. The thoughts you send out to the universe come back to you as manifestations in physical form in your life. When you are more passionate about something, the faster the universe will answer your call and manifest whatever it may be in your life.

The trick is to understand the vibrational energies of the thoughts you have. Everything in life, both physical and nonphysical has vibrational energy. The things that physically manifest in your life are the results of the vibrational energy you have put out into the universe with your feelings and actions. For a quick reference, it may be helpful to look at this map of consciousness by David Hawkins. The log in the chart is the level of vibrational energy associated with the feelings they align with.

Unlocking The Mind

 When you have feelings of anger, fear, shame, or guilt the universe will send things to you that match those vibrational energies. The more strongly your feelings are about something, the faster the manifestations will occur. On the flip side, when you have feelings of acceptance, joy, and love the universe will send things that align with those energies toward you.

Once you know this, the key to unlocking your mind is to be able to consciously control your thoughts and feelings. Many of us do not have enough self-awareness to consciously control our feelings, thoughts, and actions. To learn how to do this, it is helpful to take notes from those who have already mastered this practice people like Eckhart Tolle, David Hawkins, and Neale Donald Walsch.

How Manifestation Works

When I first learned about manifestation, it was a concept presented to me in a movie called The Secret. This movie explains how the law of attractions is the secret to having everything you have ever dreamed of. The secret to life is that you can attract and thus manifest anything your heart desires. However, in order to do this, your energy must match that which you are hoping to attract to you. 

One of the biggest things I have learned in manifesting is that you must consciously and consistently focus your energy and thoughts on that which you hope to attract to you. As an example, if you were hoping to attract more money into your life you would want to focus on thoughts of what your life looks like as if you do have more money, and remember to be thankful for the money you already have. 

Where to Begin

An easy way to get started is by practicing gratitude. Being grateful for something focuses your intentions on things that are positive in your life, and draws more of those things toward you. This is why we created a gratitude journal ourselves.

Spending as little as 3 minutes per day intentionally being grateful can start rewiring your brain and aligning yourself with the reality you want.


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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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