Living in fear and uncertainty is something many of us are plagued with for most of our lives. The fear and uncertainty within ourselves is especially noticeable when we are filled with anxiety and burdened with stress. I know I’ve been there.

Looking down at the floor, wondering if what you’re doing is enough, and hoping that tomorrow isn’t any worse than today. After enduring these feelings for a while, exhaustion tends to set it in, and you start to notice how drained of energy you are. It’s like someone just sucked the life right out of you, right? Well, at least that’s how it felt for me.

Living in Fear

When you are living in fear and uncertainty, it is hard to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. These are some things that I changed in my life that finally allowed me to live a life full of love, stability, and wonder. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Know that you have the power within you to do everything you have ever dreamed of.

7. Acknowledge Your Fears

Take some time to get to know yourself. Allow yourself to be vulnerable for just a moment, and acknowledge those things that you are afraid and uncertain of. Common themes are things like a fear of failing, a fear of dying, a fear of being alone, a fear of losing someone, and a fear of old age. Perhaps even a fear of not having enough means to get you through the week.

Once you have uncovered the underlying fears and uncertainties you have about life, you can start looking at why you do some of the things you do.

In life, we make decisions based on love or fear. Nothing more, nothing less. If you are not making decisions out of love, consider what fears are driving you to make decisions. As an example, are you going to work today because you fear you’ll get fired if you don’t go or because you love the work that you do?

6. Remember to be Thankful

This method is a simple yet effective way to stop living in fear and uncertainty. Take time out of your day to be thankful for things in your life you already have achieved. Intentionally focus on the good and positive aspects of your life. Instead of running around and worrying about tomorrow, stop and remember to be gracious for all the things that you’ve achieved in your life. These are the things that have allowed you to come this far.

Everyone always has something to be thankful for, but especially give thanks for those things which we often take for granted. Be thankful for the two hands you have that allow you to take out the trash easily. The legs that allow you to drive in traffic. The ability to see, hear, and feel are not things everyone is gifted with. Show gratitude for those things in your life that you would crave if they were not already yours.

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5. Change What you can Change

While we may not be able to change certain things, people, or situations we deal with, we have the power to change ourselves. You always have control over your actions and your reactions. Though, you may not always have control over what is happening around you. When you realize this, you will find great power within yourself. Focus on things that you can do, rather than what you can’t do.

4. Release Control

A lot of the time, living in fear and uncertainty has to do with us trying to control things that are simply out of our control. We fear the consequences of things we cannot do, complete, or accomplish.

Worrying or stressing about something you cannot change, does not help you. Nor does it help the people around you, or the situation. In reality, you are only making the situation worse by building upon the negative energy surrounding the circumstance.

Instead of doing this, release control. Do not be a prisoner in a situation that you cannot change. Learn to be at peace with the way things are, or remove yourself from the situation.

Living in Fear

3. Accept the Acceptable

In life, there are many things that we “fight.” Most of us fight to get out of bed in the morning, take out the trash, go to work, sit in traffic, or even do the dishes. There are a number of things that we don’t want to do. Inevitably that we still end up doing it because we are afraid of what will happen if we don’t.

Learning to accept situations in life is one way to stop living in fear. You can choose to accept those things which you may find annoying, frustrating, or time-consuming, Learn to see them as things that must be done in order to achieve something that you love.

2. Let Go of Things You Cannot Accept

Some things in life we will never be able to accept. Maybe it’s the annoying upstairs neighbor, an irresponsible manager at work, or the abuse endured in a long term relationship. Whatever the circumstances are that you find unacceptable, you can either leave the situation or take responsibility for making change happen. Beyond this, there is nothing more you can do.

Stop living in fear, and start choosing a life that allows you to flourish in peace and happiness.

Living in Fear

1. Live for the Here and Now

This concept is what has helped me, more than anything, overcome living in fear and uncertainty in my life. Often when we are anxious, stressed, and ridden with fear and uncertainty, our minds are focused on everything except what is happening right here, right now.

We could be sitting in bed, depressed and grief-stricken about the awful news we received the day before. Or, stressed and anxious about things we have to do tomorrow. Watch your mind, and become conscious of when you are lagging 10 steps behind or rushing 10 steps ahead.

Be present where you are, and know that everything is as it was always meant to be. See the world right where you are, and be at peace with the way things are. 

Living in Fear

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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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