Are there things in your life that you have always wanted, but can never seem to obtain? Are there things involving your living situation or work environment that you wish were different? Most people desire to change one or more aspects of their lives. If this is you, you have probably thought to yourself “Why must life be so hard?” The truth is, life is only as difficult as you make it out to be. If you really want to know how to be successful in your life, you must look inside yourself.

Your success comes from you, and no one else. It doesn’t come from the boss that gives you the promotion. Success certainly does not come from the house that you live in. Nor does success come from the money in your bank account. Success comes to those, who attract positive energy into their lives. Naturally, alongside this positive energy comes positive situations. Most of which we identify as having success

You’re Not Here by Coincedence

The topics I discuss in this article are ones that I have picked up through speaking with wise individuals, as well as educating myself through books and other visual material created by highly influential and spiritual people. These concepts have taught me how to be successful in my life. I want to share this with you because I believe you must help others once you’ve helped yourself.

It is no coincidence that you are reading this article. Everything you have done up until this point has led you here and I am just another sign pointing you in the direction of self-enlightenment. Don’t ignore the signs, you’re journey has led you here for a reason.


 I started out by reading books like Truth vs Falsehood by David Hawkins and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. These books helped me understand my own thoughts and tendencies and also how vibrations work. I highly recommend books by these authors.

If books aren’t your thing, I would suggest watching The Secret. It is an amazing documentary that explains the law of attraction and how to apply it in your life. This movie was actually recommended to me by someone I met randomly in a live chat room. It was no accident in my life that I found this movie from the recommendation of some random stranger. I’m telling you, people, these signposts fall out of the sky onto your doorstep for a reason. Your spirit is trying to tell you that you are ready to advance, you just have to open the door.

Below are the links to this visual material, if you would like to learn more through self-education. What I am writing about from this point on will cover briefly what these books and movies discuss in great detail.

The Thoughts You Put Out

Every aspect, situation, environment, and thing in your life is something you have attracted to you. This may be hard to accept for some of us. Most people will immediately think things like” I did not attract this illness into my life” or I did not attract my car being towed yesterday” or even “I did not attract all the red lights on my way to work this morning.” If these are similar to the thoughts you are thinking at this moment, take a step back. I mean really take a step back.

Take a collective look at all the thoughts, conscious and subconscious, that you think about throughout the day. The thoughts you have translated into energy that you throw into the universe. The universe then throws this same energy right back to you in a physical form. If you are predominately thinking negative thoughts, the universe will throw things like illness, red lights, and getting your car towed.

Concepts like these are explained in great detail in the movie The Secret. If you are in need of visual material, I would suggest watching this movie, as it personally helped me greatly in learning how to be successful.

How Thoughts Manifest

Let me elaborate a little further. Take some time to stop and look at the physical things around you. What your mind consistently focuses on will manifest itself physically around you. This is indisputable evidence for identifying your daily thoughts. Is your house messy, or organized? Are your coworkers enjoyable or hard to be around? Whether its people, things, or events, what surrounds you is the energy you have sent into the universe. The universe has delivered back to you only the energy you have put forth.

The thoughts you have contain energy. Think of this energy as a vibrational frequency. The lower the vibration is, the more negative the energy is, therefore the more negative the thought is. The same is true in reverse. The higher the vibration is, the more positive the energy is, and the more positive the thought is.

For more information about how vibrational frequencies work, check out the map of consciousness by David Hawkins. The log numbers reference the vibration level, and the process describes the thought.  Books like Truth vs Falsehood by Hawkins, provide an in-depth explanation of vibrational frequencies, for those of you interested.

Changing Your Energy

What you find yourself surrounded by is the predominant type of energy you put out. If you truly want your circumstances to change and you want to know how to be successful, you must change the energy you give out. Through doing so, your energy will then align with more positive vibrations. This is how you open the door to positive things in your life. Is it really that simple? [Insert Nicholas Cage voice from National Treasure here…]

Yes! It really is that simple. The trick to having everything your heart desires and learning how to be successful is simply attracting it to you. Now the secret is how you accomplish this.

Having Intentional Thoughts

 If there is something you would like to change in your life, you must focus your thoughts on that thing and do so with positivity. You must actively refrain from having thoughts such as “I can’t afford that.” Or “That will never happen to me.” Or even “Things will always be the same,” or “This is hard.” and so forth. Listen to me when I say this. Every thought you have is at the command of the universe.

If you think “I can’t afford this,” the universe says okay yes you can’t afford that. When you think “that will never happen to me,” the universe says okay yes, that will never happen to you. Even when you think “things will always be the same,” the universe says OKAY YES, things will always be the same. And of course when you think “this will be hard,” it is going to be hard! Stop this madness! You are bringing this energy right back to you, anytime you have thoughts like these.

How to Begin

If you truly want how to be successful and change the things around you, you must change your beliefs. It starts with your thoughts.  This may be a hard task to accomplish initially if you are prone to being a negative Nancy. You must be a positive patty! lol… But seriously though.

One way you can start the process of changing your thoughts is by being thankful and aware of the positive things already in your life. Even if there are things you wish to change, just be thankful! If you don’t like your living situation, be grateful that you do have somewhere to live. If you don’t like the way your body looks, be thankful that you have eyes to see with! There is always something to be thankful for. You just have to open your mind to it.

If you want something to change, change the way you think about it. Be thankful for what you already have and imagine yourself as already having that which your heart desires. This is how you attract the things you truly want into your life.

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My Experience

From my personal experience, I have found this way of thinking and living to be absolutely amazing. At times it is almost unbelievable, and even a little spooky. I’m talking like *queue the twilight zone music* . Changing my thoughts has really taught me how to be successful.

By focusing my thoughts, being thankful for that which I already have, and envisioning myself as already having the life I want, everything in my life has been in a positive incline. From the home where I live, the promotions I receive at work, to the beautiful man who has chosen me as his partner, life just keeps getting better!

It has been quite a journey for me to get to this point in my life. And by no means is my journey over. Everyone is on their own path. I just hope that by sharing my experiences, people can realize that they too can have this success and happiness in their own lives. It all depends on you, and no one else.

Comment down below or leave us a message for further questions! Let us know what has worked for you when learning how to be successful!

How to be Successful

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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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