Interested in beginning the smudging practice? Nice. You have come to the right place. If you clicked on the link to get here you are probably a crafty person who doesn’t mind your weekly DIY project. In the small chance that you made it here by accident and are just looking for a quick fix to get a smudge stick, you can purchase one here. I find smudge sticks locally at my neighborhood grocery store Sprout. But I know that they aren’t a common find on your average shopping trip. This is why I decided to share how I make my own smudge sticks!

To Begin

First and most importantly you want to start with a positive attitude so that you begin on the right foot. Once you have that, you want to collect some herbs. I prefer to use Sage, Rosemary, or Palo Santo when Smudging. I find it best to grow your own herbs if you have the mean, to cut down on pesticides.

After you have your herb leaves, you want to take some string and time them together. Make sure to wrap them neatly and tightly in a bunch. After everything is wrapped, take your herbs and hang them upside down for about two weeks before you plan on using them. Allow them adequate time to dry. 

Don’t Forget

Growing up in the country, I noticed my dad would never burn wet or freshly cut wood in the winter when lighting the fireplace. Of course, now I know there is an obvious reason for that. If you try to burn something that is freshly cut or wet, it simply won’t burn as well. What’s worse is the smoke won’t smell so pleasant.

This is one of the reasons you want to make sure your herbs are not dried before wrapping them together. The other reason is that your herbs will crack and crumble if you try to wrap them after they are dried and that the herbs will form a stronger and more sturdy stick as they dry together.

Now that you have your stick, smudge away! If you’re not too sure exactly how one should smudge their home, read my How to Smudge article.

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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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