The science behind using plants for air purification is no joke. According to studies conducted by NASA, we should keep 2-3 indoor plants per every 100 sq ft in our homes. That’s a lot of green! When choosing what are the best indoor plants for your home, there are a lot of things to consider. For example, if the plant is safe if you have pets, the maintenance level of each plant, and the lighting in your home on an average day.

Choosing Your Plants

If you don’t have much time to spend caring for plants, you would want to choose a more low-maintenance plant. If your home is constantly dimmed or shielded from the sun, you would want to go with plants that don’t require too much sun. Where you place your indoor plants is sometimes a matter of life or death for these living creatures. I am here to tell you what the best indoor plants are for air purification so that you can make an informed decision when bringing a new plant home. If you would like to learn more about how exactly plants purify the air, click here to read my article on air-purifying indoor plants.

The indoor plants discussed below are common household plants that can be found in almost any garden center or plant nursery. If you don’t have access to a garden center or plant nursery nearby, house plants can also be purchased online. Times are wild folks. When I found out you could purchase plants online, it was a game-changer… I have purchased a few plants online and have not had any issues thus far. I purchase from amazon, and I have not been disappointed yet.

Low Light

Snake Plant

The first plant I would like to mention would be the snake plant! This plant is also known as the mother in law’s tongue. It comes in several different varieties and is one of the best indoor plants! This is my personal favorite of all the indoor plants and it is great for beginner plant owners. 

This plant fits my home well because it requires low lighting. My home is often dimly lit because we keep the blinds closed to try and keep some of the Texas heat at bay. I also adore the snake plant because it enjoys dry soil, which means you don’t have to water it frequently. I water mine about every two to three weeks, and it is doing wonderful. Be careful not to overwater this plant, as it is prone to root rot. It is perfect a perfect bedroom plant as it is known to effectively turn carbon dioxide into oxygen.

This plant is not safe for pets, but it is effective at removing formaldehyde from the air. You can buy one here.

Remedies for Itchy Skin

Aloe Vera

The next plant on the list is Aloe Vera! This plant is a popular medicinal plant commonly used to soothes burns on the skin. While this plant is medicinal for humans, it is not safe for pets

Aloe is a great kitchen plant, for the kitchen if you have a sunny window sill. It prefers full sun, and dry soil. It does best when you allow the soil to completely dry in between watering. Succulents, like the aloe, should NOT be over watered. Seriously, these are desert plants, they can handle a short drought.

They are a low-maintenance plant and are easily propagated when new pups form. For those of you who don’t know what that means, essentially you can grow multiple plants from the cuttings of one main mother plant. Aloe Vera is known to remove formaldehyde and benzene from the air, which are chemicals from furniture, unnatural air fresheners, detergent, varnish, floor finishing, and cosmetics. and adhesives. You can buy one here.

best indoor plants


Next, we have the Dracaena. There are many different variations of these plants, in many different colors. It is also commonly known as a dragon tree. Some variations of these plants can grow up to 8 feet tall! This plant does well with indirect lighting and requires watering about once a week. Make sure with this plant not to allow the soil to get bone dry before the next watering. Likewise, make sure not to overwater your plants, as this could cause root rot and you may be inviting fungus flies into your home…

This plant is good for removing trichloroethylene and xylene from the air, which is caused by varnish, solvents, printing inks, adhesives, cigarettes, and paints. This plant is not safe for pets.  If you are in the market for a dracaena you can buy one here.

Indoor Hanging Plants

Spider Plant

Here we have a spider plant. This plant is great for removing carbon monoxide from the air. Carbon monoxide is produced from appliances that burn fuel, and it is poisonous to humans. The Spider plant is a great addition to a family with pets, as it is non-toxic and safe for pets.  

Spider plants are effective at removing xylene from the air as well, helping to guard us against second-hand smoke. This plant does well with watering about once every 2-3 days as it prefers moist soil. The spider plant should also be placed in a spot where it can get some indirect sunlight. If you would like to purchase a spider plant you can buy one here.

best indoor plants

Rubber Tree

This is a rubber tree! It gets its name from its rubbery feeling leaves, and the milky substance produced by its leaves. This milky substance is not safe for pets except in one variety of this plant the peperomia.

This tree is great for removing formaldehyde from the air, saving us from some of the chemicals found in furniture and adhesives. When watering this plant, you should allow the soil to dry in between waterings. Probably once every week or so. This tree does well in low-lighting conditions. If you would like to purchase a rubber tree you can buy one here!

best indoor plants

Peace Lily

This is a peace lily! While this plant is among the best for transpiration and air purification, it is high maintenance.  The peace lily requires moist soil all around and high humidity. This means you should water this plant quite frequently and place it in humid areas, such as the bathroom or the kitchen.

This can present issues for beginner plant owners, as moist soil can bring about fungus flies if you over water. This plant also requires low lighting conditions, so it’s best if you place it in a dark corner or out of any direct or indirect sunlight. Because the peace lily is great at transpiring air it removes trichloroethylene, benzene, alcohol, and acetone from the air. If you think you are ready for this challenge you can purchase a peace lily here!

Indoor Hanging Plants


Next up we have the pothos one of the best indoor plants! This is one of my favorites alongside the snake plant. It comes in several different varieties, but it should not be confused with the philodendron. This plant is great for beginner plant owners, as it is low maintenance and easy to care for.

This plant does best in indirect lighting conditions such as bathrooms, or areas out of direct sunlight. It also does not require frequent watering, as you may allow the soil to dry in between waterings. This plant is also easy to propagate from cuttings, as it grows quickly and grows in vines! This plant is however not safe for pets. The pothos is, however, great for removing trichloroethylene, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde from the air! If you would like to add this plant to your collection you can find one here!


Indoor Hanging Plants


Now, this is the Fern. There are many different types of ferns, and one of the most common is the Boston Fern. This plant is high maintenance and should not be owned by forgetful plant owners. The fern does best with high humidity and indirect sunlight. It is quite a leafy plant and requires quite a bit of room when fully grown either on its own stand or hanging from a hook.

This plant also requires moist soil meaning that it needs to be watered frequently, but not overwatered. It should be planted it a pot that drains well, to avoid root rot. While this plant is hard to care for it is safe for pets. It is also one of the best plants for air purification as it naturally humidifies the air. Ferns are also great for removing xylene and formaldehyde from the air. If you are ready to invite this plant into your home, you can buy one here!

Indoor Hanging Plants

English Ivy

Here we have the English ivy. This plant is a hardy plant that is great for beginner plant owners. This plant does well in many different conditions, but ideally, it should be placed in an area with indirect lighting. The soil in this plant should also be allowed to dry in between waterings. You may water this plant about every other week or so. It’s best to feel the soil, and if it’s dry, it’s time to water your plant.

English ivy is also one of the top contenders for air purification as it removes multitudes of harmful chemicals from the air. This plant is great at removing xylene, carcinogens, benzene, trichloroethylene, and airborne fecal particles from the air making it great for nearly any room in the house. This plant is not safe for pets, however. If you would like to purchase your English ivy now you can buy one here!

Indoor Hanging Plants


Next up is the philodendron. There are many varieties of this plant, some often confused with the pothos. The one pictured above is particularly popular at the moment among hipsters and millennials, as it has a unique leaf. The philodendron does well in a spot with indirect lighting. It also should be watered more frequently than the pothos, about once a week or so.

This plant would do well placed in a humid area, such as a bathroom or kitchen where the soil can stay semi-moist. As with all plants with larger leaves, they may need to be dusted off every now and again to keep them healthy and happy.  The Monstera is not safe for pets. If you would like to purchase a monstera, you can purchase it here.

Best Indoor Plants

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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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