Congratulations on making it here today, whoever you are. You’ve successfully jumped over the first hurdle, so to say. The first step in overcoming negativity in your life is to realize, or at least acknowledge that you are part of the problem.

We tend to think of some things in our lives as out of our control. Like that relationship that ended badly, or the job that you hate showing up to every day. Perhaps it’s your bank account never having enough money or the fact that people are rude to you every day. Maybe it is that stressful situation you know is waiting for you when you get home today.

Whatever your individual case may be, you must be coming to realize that you are the common denominator. Think of it like this: You are the sun, and everything that happens in your life is pulled towards you and revolves around you. If you want your life to be filled with love, peace, and happiness, instead of despair, hate, and suffering, you must start by changing what you see in the mirror.

I know this because I was once in this position too. These are things that I changed in my life to stop being negative. Once I made these simple changes, things in my life started to change drastically. When you stop being negative, negative situations, events, and people in your life all begin to slowly disappear.

1. Stop Blaming Others

This is a big one. Now that I have personally overcome negativity in my own life, it is unreal how often I see others blaming others for the negative things that happen in their life.

Blaming others or simply placing blame on anything outside of yourself sounds something like this:

  • It’s not my fault
  • Well that happened because you didn’t do this
  • You were the one who did this
  • I couldn’t control that
  • You were supposed to do this

Often we jump to blaming others as a self-defense strategy when we feel our ego is being threatened. If we can make ourselves out to be the victim of whatever the situation may be, then we don’t have to hold ourselves accountable for what is happening. We do this also to stay in control of the situation, and because we want to remain in a superior position. In other words, we don’t want to be wrong and we don’t want our sense of self to be questioned.

It is important to stop blaming others because, in reality, they are just a reflection of you and the energy you put out. You can only identify faults in others because you recognize them in yourself. You draw people, events, and situations into your life who are of the same energy as yourself. It is simple science, energy is attracted to like energy.

Make  a Change

If you don’t want negative people, events, and situations in your life, then you must become a positive force. You are a continuous source of energy. Once you change your own energy, naturally the universe will begin to align in the quantum realm and more and more positive events, people, and situations will come flooding into your life. I know this sounds a little preposterous, but trust me it is just science. No Jedi mind tricks here.

2. Give Thanks More Often

Being thankful is a powerful practice when you are trying to stop being negative. A negative person is often focused on things that they don’t have or things that have gone wrong, instead of being thankful for things that they already do have and things that are going well.

Make it a point to take time out of your day, to stop and be thankful for at least three things that you are grateful for. It could be as simple as saying a quick thanks right before dinner or keeping a gratitude journal by your bed to do before you go to sleep.

Me, I find it empowering to give thanks first thing when I wake up in the morning. Instead of thinking of how tired I am and how much I want to go back to bed, I think about things I am thankful for and the beautiful life I live. I have noticed how much this sets the tone for my entire day since I started doing this. You can begin to expect good things to happen when you are always remembering the good things that you already have in your life.

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3. Let Go of Negative Energy

Negativity is like a disease. Literally, negativity causes diseases and sickness. Not to mention the rate at which negativity can spread by word of mouth, through the news, and social media these days. We are constantly bombarded with negative energy, and if we aren’t careful it can easily overcome us.

When you are presented with a negative situation or circumstance, you must let it pass. Try your best not to engage and feed into the negative energy. Unless you are adding positive energy to a negative situation, there is no sense in sticking around. Allowing yourself to be present and involved in a negative situation will not help you stop being negative.


 One thing I do to help my own energy is to create a positive environment at home that will help me release any residual negative energy that I may have picked up throughout the day. I do this by running my essential oil diffuser, through smudging, burning incense, and keeping house plants. These things help create negative ions in my home, which combat the positive ions associated with negative energy. Again, people, it is just science.

You can read more about how keeping house plants help with negative energy by clicking here, and by reading my article about smudging to clear negative energy.

4. Focus On What You Want

One thing I noticed about my own habits when I was extremely negative was how much time I spent dwelling on things that bothered me. Now that I am past this point in my life, I see this happening so much in others. Negative people are often focused on things that they do not like and things that they do not want.

A simple example could be some crazy disaster that you heard about on the news or that ignorant person who you had to deal with at work. I see people who are stuck in a negative mindset talk about all these negative things throughout their entire day, expressing how much they hate what happened, or how awful that one thing was, and so on.

Spending time and energy focused on negative things does not serve you. It only serves to further bring you down and others around you. If you realize this is you, make a conscious effort to focus your intentions on only things that you want. If you want a life filled with peace and happiness, you cannot allow yourself to spend time and energy focused on the doom and gloom of the world.

Well, Now What?

When you set your intentions and focus on what you want, positive things will begin to happen. I promise you. I know this from my own experience. If you want to stop being negative and start living a life you love, look at yourself, and make a change.

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Stop Being Negative

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Who Runs This Joint?

Hi, I'm Erin! I am the content creator of Resourceful Soul. Prioritizing health and happiness is HUGE in my life and it is my mission to help others live their best lives too! You can learn more about me and what goes on behind the scenes here.

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